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Lead by Livelle Dawnflow, the Voidsworn are more attuned to weapons than they are magic. Rogues, warriors, and hunters would do very well here.

The riftblades

Considered to be the vanguard of the Accord, this branch is made up of martial combatants - knight and warriors who know their way around a blade. They serve as the first and last line of defense while providing an unwavering offense against the Accord’s enemies. As they progress, they develop a versatile toolkit involving magical defense, martial combat and tactics and military strategy.

the duskstriders

Similar in structure to the Farstriders, this branch is made up of those proficient in marksmanship, survival tactics and scouting. The rangers and outrunners of this branch serve to strengthen the Voidsworn with their precision and accuracy while being the eyes and ears of the Accord as a whole.


The Ghostblades

Perhaps the most unique branch of the Voidsworn, the Ghostblades are accurately named after the phantoms that stalk the world of the living. Like these spirits, they are branch dedicated to stealth, intense maneuvering, and unsuspected attacks. They serve the vital purpose of being a spy network that reports directly to the Spymaster through any means deemed necessary.

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